This is the 100% python version of the Autotrace family of tools. Please be advised: it is currently in a development stage. Its performance is not as good as the MATLAB version, and it does not have the same features. At the moment, it exists only as a set of command-line tools, no graphical interface is yet available. When complete it will:


First, use git clone to make a local copy of the directory

Run the following sequence of commands. Note: It is highly recommended to use a VirtualENV after this stage


sudo apt-get update;
sudo apt-get install python3-pip;
sudo apt-get install build-essential;
sudo apt-get install gcc;
sudo apt-get install python3-dev;
sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev;
sudo apt-get install gfortran;
sudo apt-get build-dep libopenblas-dev;
sudo apt-get build-dep nvidia-cuda-toolkit;


brew update;
brew install python3;
brew install gfortran;
brew tap homebrew/science;
brew install openblas;
brew install hdf5;

Then, in the terminal, navigate to the project directory and run the following

pip3 install -e .

Then use pip to install each of the dependencies in install-reqs.txt

If these throw errors, try re-installing or upgrading pip

For instructions