Common Errors

This document contains solutions to problems that show up often when using Autotrace. Will be updated as new errors are reported or discovered.

Matlab ceases and returns errors during Train Network.

"moved 0 images and 0 traces" after running Configdir

Final traced images wildly inaccurate.

Train Network Error Messages

show =


filename =


Error using fgets Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier.

Error in fgetl (line 33) [tline,lt] = fgets(fid);

Error in loadContours (line 13) header = fgetl(fid);

Error in TrainNetwork (line 48) [contfiles, subjectid, contx, conty] = loadContours(data_dir, subject_nums);

reply: '221 2.0.0 closing connection ff6sm8363539pdb.80 - gsmtp\r\n' reply: retcode (221); Msg: 2.0.0 closing connection ff6sm8363539pdb.80 - gsmtp

Saving trained network...done

ROI_config.txt not found