
Using AutoTrace

AutoTrace is a program used to take Ultrasound tongue images and trace the tongue. Data points are put along a fan-shaped grid over the image of the tongue in order to track the movement of the tongue during speech.

Locating AutoTrace Program

Open AutoTrace by navigating to the matlab-version folder and typing the command python

Using Autotrace to trace manually

WARNING: The last several versions of Autotrace have a bug that causes points to be dropped from the edges of frames after each time it is launched. It is highly recommended to use the webtracer instead

Locating AutoTrace Program

Open AutoTrace by navigating to the matlab-version folder and typing the command python

Adding Images to Autotrace

Viewing Images in Autotrace

Beginning Tracing

Setting the Grid

Creating the Trace

Image should appear as black with white line(s) splitting mouth into upper palate and tongue

Important: dots should be just below the white line, on the border between the white and black of the tongue image <br /> Tip: it can help to draw rough arch, then fine tune dot placements (only one dot will appear per gridline)

Tracing Guidelines

Checking Output

A complete tongue tracing should now have a correct grid and accurately traced tongue image

Image4 Desired result

Using Autotrace to Trace Automatically
